Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A modest start

I wanted to setup a area where I can start interacting and sharing with like minded individuals. The discussions I wanted to focus on were around awareness around various good and bad stuff happening in the social specter in India.
Everyone keeps reading interesting books or articles or news clips about good or sometimes great work being done by selfless individuals or organizations in India and vice versa and ( way more!) bad and sometimes hilariously bad stuff happening.
Many of us don't realize the impact of such things on our lives or in future on our children's lives and making that correlation is a interesting and insightful exercise exercise.Once you realize the correlations its easier to become part of the solution i think, rather then being on the sidelines or worse still being part of the problem!

anyway, the purpose of thie blog is not for me to give sermons as i dont think i am good at it nor have the pedigree to do it in the first place

I want to use this Blog for a active dialog on things we see/read/hear and then discuss their significance, how they matter to us and what folks are doing about it

This blog is not going to focus on pushing someone to take action or start some socvial work etc. Thet has to be the decision and journey of the individual.

Hopefully i can learn as we go on and will help me on my journey ...


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